Smart Parking as a part of Smart City concept and Parking-as-a-Service topics are attracting more and more attention from parking operators, parking owners, parking users and city administration.
That is why we, from Parking Telecom, decided to tell you more about it. In this article, you will find and learn more about Smart Cities and Smart Mobility. We will also show you why Smart Parking is the future of Smart Cities!
What is a Smart City and Smart City Concept?
Maybe some of you are thinking “What does smart city mean?”…
Well, let’s explain it!
Smart City is every urban area that uses innovative and smart solutions for improving the quality of city life of its citizens. That is possible by incorporating the Internet of things (IoT), Internet of People (IoP), Internet of Service (IoS) and Internet of Data (IoD) technologies in the complete city concept, for example.
To be classified as a Smart City, a town or a city should:
- Be digitally oriented
- Foster smart innovations
- Incorporate information and communication technologies (ICT)
- Encourage its community to adopt digital and electronic technologies too and to bring them together in a complete Smart City ecosystem
Smart City concept helps the government to improve the performance of economy, environment, living, education, security and mobility. Smart city technology allows interaction between city infrastructure and citizens, optimizing services to be more efficient and full city monitoring.
As a result, it reduces the overall costs, wastage and resource consumption. And the best part: it betters the quality of city life, urban services and working environment! Not only that but the Smart City concept increases the contact between community and city administration!
What is Smart Mobility?
Smart Mobility is a part of the complete Smart City concept of a city. It refers to an innovative way of city transportation that is safer, more efficient and eco-friendly.
The Smart Urban Mobility concept offers solutions for different models of transportation. They include options as car-sharing, bike-sharing, ride-sharing, EV charge (Electric Vehicle), public transportation, walking, etc. That allows citizens to make their own choice to own or to share a vehicle.
The benefits of Smart Mobility:
- Effective trip – travelers get to their destination fast and easy
- Flexible trip – citizens can choose the transportation option that is most convenient to them
- Complete trip – citizens can plan the whole route
- Clean trip– no more pollution-causing vehicles, it’s time for zero-emission ones
- The trip is safe and pleasant
Cities need a Smart Mobility concept to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution and to improve the mobility experience of citizens. Smart Mobility in Smart City does not mean building more roads to fix traffic problems. It means a smart technology solution for better managing of urban mobility. For example, sensor networks allow citizens to avoid streets with traffic jams.
What is Smart Parking?
Smart Parking is a part of Smart Mobility. It is a complete parking solution for on-street and off-street management of parking spaces in the city. It has a crucial impact on Smart City infrastructure for the smooth functioning of its transportation ecosystem.
Smart Parking is based on IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies. It gives access to real-time parking occupancy and parking availability, predicts peak and non-peak times, makes dynamic pricing according to congestion and provides parking operators with big real-time data and reporting.
Why Smart Parking is the future of Smart Cities?
If you are still wondering what the role of Smart Parking is in Smart City concept – let’s see together!
1. Smart Parking reduces congestion and air pollution
One of the biggest city problems is traffic jams. But did you know that more than 30% of the street traffic is caused by drivers circling for a parking space?
Yes, it’s not a joke! Our Smart Parking Management solution makes the finding of a parking spot easier and faster. Thanks to it, parking users can find, book and pay for their parking stay via mobile app or online. That way they will not circle in traffic zones, so they will not cause such a carbon footprint. The result: pollution will be reduced!
Not only that but Smart City Parking solution allows parking operators to make dynamic pricing and to manage the flow from traffic zone to not so crowded parking area, which again is a way to reduce congestion and air pollution.
2. Smart Parking connects the dots
Our Smart Parking Solution brings together parking users, parking operators, owners and parking infrastructure in a cloud-based all-in-one solution, including mobile app and marketplace. The result – improved efficiency and better parking experience.
3. Smart Parking improves parking experience
Our solution can be implemented very quickly and it has various functionalities. It is available anytime and anywhere for both parking users and parking operators. It always provides them with real-time occupancy data.
Also, our Smart Parking solution is ticketless. There is no need to stop to take tickets at entry or scan it at the exit. Ticketless solution – no need to insert a ticket to pay for your parking stay. No staff required on-site. No more costs for buying and loading tickets. Parking managers can now rely on automatic vehicle identification and environment-friendly ticketless parking solution.
In conclusion:
As we said above, there is no doubt that Smart Parking is the future of Smart Cities. We, from Parking Telecom, have years of experience and knowledge in creating and providing the best smart parking solutions for smart cities.
We believe that Smart Parking can solve many city infrastructure issues, improve the quality of city life and make the parking experience better than ever before!
Learn more about our Smart On-street and Off-street Parking solutions! Try our Parking Mobile App and take a look at the benefits of our solutions here!
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